9-1-1 Emergency or (706) 743-8101 Non-emergency info@oglethorpesheriff.org

Special Needs Logan's Law Database

Oglethorpe County 911, in partnership with the Georgia Emergency Communications Authority, has established a local Logan’s Law database.

The purpose of this database is to help first responders provide more compassionate assistance by raising awareness of potential triggers that could overwhelm an individual with special needs present at the scene of an emergency.

This database allows 911 dispatchers to alert emergency medical, fire, law enforcement, and other first responders when there are individuals with special needs who might have difficulty communicating and interacting with responding personnel. Special needs individuals might include those with autism, physical, mental, or neurological disorders, PTSD who may be prone to violence, excitability, or fear lights, sirens, loud noises and personnel in uniform.

We encourage you to register any family member that works or lives in Oglethorpe County with special needs. Use the registration form below or download this pdf.

If you choose to complete the PDF or paper form, please return it to the Sheriff’s Office.

This database will be maintained at the 911 Center for use during emergency situations.

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