9-1-1 Emergency or (706) 743-8101 Non-emergency info@oglethorpesheriff.org

The Christmas in Oglethorpe and Parade is today in Lexington. We expect the rain to clear out. Parade participants line up around 11:15 at Meson Park in the following order after the Parade Marshall: large vehicles, floats, walkers, dancers, and small animals on leashes, followed by Santa and the beautiful horses. The participants will be placed in order starting at the corner of Upson Street and Church Street , down Church Street towards Meson Park.

The parade route will be:
Left on Upson Street to Hwy 78
Left on Hwy 78 through downtown Lexington to Meson Street
Left on Meson
End of route

The parade starts at 12 noon.

There will be vendors around the courthouse, a train and bouncy house for kids. You can also bring the kids or kids at heart out to see Santa!

The road between the Courthouse and Pinnacle Bank will be coned off at 8 am until mid-afternoon for vendors. You will still have access to the drive through and parking lot of the bank.

Highway 78 will be closed between Upson Street and Academy Street during the parade. That should be approximately 12 noon until around 12:20 PM. You should be able to detour around by either using Elberton Road to Fairground Road or using Academy Street to Church Street. If you use Church Street you may be behind the end of the parade until they turn on Upson. So be aware and plan accordingly.